
Matching Gifts
Share and Refer
Everyone knows someone who knows someone. Help us find those who are looking for a cause to support which coincides with their purpose and passion. If your company or family has a foundation or you know of veteran-centric resources, we are happy to provide information, presentations or participate in exploratory discussions. Access to celebrity personalities, private and exclusive golf courses, etc. are instrumental to fundraising for Mighty Hero Homes. Help us to achieve our mission of providing affordable, permanent housing to veterans.
Become an Ambassador
Ambassadors will help Mighty Hero Homes raise requisite funds and bring awareness to the egregious problem of veteran homelessness in our country by agreeing to be a part of the solution and then mobilizing those within their circles to join them in making a difference.
Provide Goods or Services

Mighty Hero Homes
If your business or company receives cash or card payments from the public, please consider championing our Operation "Be The Change" to End Veteran Homelessness program! By asking consumers and patrons to round up their receipt total to the nearest dollar for the benefit of Mighty Hero Homes, considerable resources can be raised to build Bases and support wrap around social services for Base residents. For more information, email us regarding your interest.

Most importantly, add Mighty Hero Homes and all veterans who are counting on our success to your prayer list and that of your church, small groups, etc. This project, facilitated by His humble servants, will forever remain for Him, of Him and by Him.
Pledge to make a difference, together.
Support your favorite local charity every time you shop.
Donate spare change by automatically rounding up your orders to the nearest dollar at checkout.
Everyone can help in some way.
Click the "I Can Help" button to find your place in the story!